These fingerless gloves are an so easy (and quick) to make and customize. Best of all – they are knit flat- no double pointed or circular needles required!

Fingerless gloves are one of my favorite accessories for myself.

They may not be able to stand up to the harsh Pennsylvania winter, but throughout fall and early spring they are pretty much glued to my hands. They add just enough warmth and an extra sort of “security blanket” for my hand.

Fingerless gloves also make a great gift. I have a friend that works in an office where the air conditioners are full blast in the summer. She often requests pairs she can wear to keep her hands warm while still allowing her to type and write.

My only hesitation when it comes to making pair after pair?- Sometimes I just don’t feel like using double pointed or those teenny tiny circular needles.
These gloves are the perfect solution. They are knit flat and sewn up the side. The band is picked up after and the button is just the icing on the cake!


  • The pattern states to knit 55 rows before the cast off.  The total measurement should be between 5.75 and 6 inches if you get to this measurement before 55 rows simply bind off on the next row.
  • These gloves can be made as long as you like – simply add stitches to the cast on.
  • There are multiple ways to sew up the sides  – I included photos for the way i did it but feel free to use whichever method you are most comfortable with.
  • The first stitch of every row will be slipped purl wise – this creates a nice straight edge at the top and bottom.
  • Any Worsted Weight yarn will work for this pattern


Cast On 32

Row 1 – 54:  Slip the first stitch purlwise, Knit to end of row

Row 55: Bind off

From the top sew approx 1.5 inches – cut yarn  

Leave approx 2 inches unsewn for the thumbhole.

Continue sewing the rest of the way down the side. – cut yarn and weave in ends

This is how I chose to sew up my gloves – feel free to use any method you feel comfortable with.

start by going up through the stitch..
and down through the next stitch ..
then down through where the original stitch started on the bottom. and up through the next next stitch. Repeat.

Creating the Band:

For the LEFT glove ONLY
With the thumb hole on the right hand side – Approx ½ inch to the left of the end of the thumbhole and one row below the sewn edge pick up 6 stitches.  

Do this by using your needle to go under the right leg of 6 stitches from right to left.

For the RIGHT glove ONLY
With the thumb hole on the left hand side – Approx ½ inch to the right of the thumbhole and one row below the sewn edge count out six stiches and pick them up from right to left using the same method as before.

If you are using circular needles – simply pick up the stiches and slide the needle all the way over so the stitches are now in a position to start knitting from.
If you are using straight needles – pick up the stitches and then slip them purl wise onto the other needle so they are in a position to knit from.

Row 1: Sl1, Knit to end

Row 2: Sl1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1

Repeat Row 2 sixteen times or until the band measure ()inches or is as long as you like.  

Next Row: Bind off

Sew on your chosen button – if you don’t have or don’t want to use a button simply place a few stitches at the end of the band to attach to the gloves.

Your hands will thank you! – ❤

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